How to avoid losing your valuables or your business to theft?
This week on the Cams in Action blog we would like to discuss Pickpockets. The highly skilled thieves move fast and are trained to steal your wallet and other valuables without you
even knowing it. According to the New South Wales (NSW) Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, stealing or theft
accounts for the greatest amount of reported crime and pickpockets
are the absolute professionals in this domain. What seems like a commuter going about his or
her day can actually be a thief waiting for their mark to be off guard.
You can
never be too careful whenever you’re in a public place. Many pickpockets roam
busy streets and intersections to find a victim, known as a mark, among the
crowd. Once they have picked their victim’s pockets, they blend in with the
rest of the swarm of people and the poor pedestrians never knew what hit them. There
are, however, some pickpockets who take a much bolder approach. They enter
public places such as restaurants, libraries, and internet cafés looking for
someone who is too busy going about his or her business to notice that their
purses, wallets, cell phones, and other valuables have already been stolen.
Pickpockets Caught on CCTV Cameras
Many public
establishments install CCTV cameras to prevent criminals from robbing the business. However, instances where footage taken by these
security cameras was reviewed to help pickpocket victims within the store is
not uncommon.
Take a looked at the attached video. We see how easily a pickpocket was able to carry out his theft within the premises. It’s easy for pickpockets to find a mark in places like
internet cafes, because people are usually busy, focused on something on what is in front of them and situationally
unaware. Most of the time, the thieves target those who leave their belongings
unattended or those who hang their jackets and bags on the back of their
If the
establishment has invested in CCTV, the cameras are able to capture every
second of the incident, from the time the thief has found his mark to the time
he leaves with that person’s phone, wallet, or purse. With the thief’s face
caught on camera, it easier for Police to identify and catch him or her.
Experienced criminals do try to keep their head down and wear baseball caps or
dark glasses to hide their faces from the watchful eyes of the CCTV cameras. However, even the clothes worn by the pickpocket can help in his or her identification.
The footage
of the theft can be used as evidence against the thief if and when they’re
caught. Although the damage has been done by the time the footage is reviewed,
if just one pickpocket is caught, it can still have a major deterrent on
future theft attempts at the premises.
Protecting yourself from Pickpockets
The easiest
way to get your pockets picked is to be unaware. A person who
looks lost or clueless is an easy target for professionals and is most at risk
of having their belongings stolen. If you really want to keep pickpockets at
bay, you need to stay alert to your surroundings and make sure that all your valuables are close to
your body at all times. A good habit is to have any bags kept in front of you, place your foot or rest your arm over the bag or one of the straps. This way if you don't see the pickpocket approach, you may feel that the bag is being handled. Remember there is no better deterrent than to be aware of the risks, if the pickpocket sees this it is likely that they wouldn't even bother with taking the risk of being caught and simply exclude you as a mark.
A daring thief may still try to steal your things by
distracting you, but if you pay enough attention to your surroundings, you may
be able to catch the thief before he or she runs off with your things. Another
way to keep your belongings safe inside restaurants, internet cafés and other
establishments is to sit within the range of a CCTV camera. A thief would
definitely take note of where the cameras are before he or she strikes and will
avoid stealing in clear view of any form of surveillance equipment.
Tips for business owners
Finally, if
you are a business owner, particularly of an establishment like a cafe, internet cafe, restaurant or bar. Consider what
experience your customer will have if they are pick-pocketed within your premises?
What impression will it leave about your business if you have
pick-pockets actively operating on your premises? Your solution is to have an
up to date CCTV system, get the optimal resolution within your budget, minimize
blind spots and most of all, keep an eye on who enters your premises!
Hope you all enjoyed the read, please leave a comment, share a view or an experience and stay safe over the holiday period!